Rogue Island

An On-Brand “Metaverse” Development Endeavour

Rogue Sharks
6 min readApr 12, 2022

Visit the Rogue Island Sea Pod Website here:

What Is A Metaverse?

“Metaverse” is an abstract concept that can take many forms, but in the context of the current NFT ecosystem, metaverses are usually virtual online worlds created to interact with other people. In our case, Rogue Island will act as a more immersive social hub and facilitate community engagement beyond Discord, Twitter and Instagram.

Why did we decide to embark on this project?

It’s been our vision since day one to create an interactive space for people to connect, have fun, learn, and grow. With the development of our very own web-based metaverse, we will be doing just that. Rogue Island will be central to all things in the Rogueverse from games to events to lore and yes, future collections. The Island will only be accessible to RS holders with special privileges for Gen 1 Rogue Shark NFT holders.

Paving The Way To Web3 Integration Through Outstanding Art

As one of Solana’s early adopters in the 4k 3D modeling “Art Style” our transition from jpeg to fully fleshed out metaverse avatar was relatively seamless. Part of our success formula was our outstanding and eye-catching art. In a sea of pixel projects, our hyper-masculine humanoid sharks seemed to have captured the zeitgeist of the Q4 2021 Solana community.

3D model (Left), 4k jpeg after mint (Right)
Rogue Sharks NFT zoomed in at 4k straight from the wallet

First Steps Out Of The Wallet

Using the original 3D model, we had previously experimented with animating them for a Snapchat lense to bring your our poster boy “Bruce” into the real world. Although this was intended to be a fun feature for the community to enjoy during the holidays, has turned into the foundation of what would become the framework on which our metaverse avatar’s animations.

Rogue Sharks Snapchat Lenses
Static model (Left), rigged updated model (Right)

The “Sea Pod” — Exclusive For Diamond Sharks

These high quality metaverse rooms are exclusive for owners of 3 or more Rogue Sharks. As previously mentioned, while the general concept of Rogue Island was being worked on, the first real product to launch, would be the exclusive Suites upgrade for our Diamond Tier holders — the Sea Pods. It was especially important to us to reward our bigger holders first, since they hold a bigger stake in this project. The Sea Pods are your home in the Solana Sea, fully customizable and the foundation for what will come to Rogue Islands developmental projects.

Early renders of the Sea Pod lay-out
Interior design work in progress with futuristic, minimalist design language
Renders of the Sea Pod lay-out v2
Experimenting with warmer tones
Scaling the room according to a Gen 1 Rogue Shark 3D model

UI and UX Design

Once you connect to our servers, you will be greeted by this delightful user interface. From avatar customization to key binding controls, we have thought of some nice features to make sure your experience in your new home will be as pleasant as possible! We have included some skins and different shirt options for launch.

Home screen (Left) and Key-Bindings (Right)
Avatar customization (Left) and Loading Screen Animation (Right)

Multiplayer Functionality

During our beta testing, we have had the pleasure to test the pods with some of our holders, as well as the internal team.

Our Founder Rogue, waiting for Vincent to enter his pod
Rogue and Cat taking a mirror selfie
Cat testing clipping and collision at the ceiling

Drag and Drop Builder

Easily customize your pod by moving, scaling and placing furniture to your liking. With inventory items ranging from arcade machines to pool tables, it’s simple and fun to create a pod you’re proud to call home.

Drag and Drop Builder

What’s next: Rogue Island Expansion

Developing a whole island will be no easy feat, but it is a challenge we are ready to tackle alongside our amazing community. The Island will be built in phases and the communities’ input and ideas will be instrumental at every step along the way. Now that the first phase came into effect with our first inhabitants of Rogue Island — The Diamond holders, we will continue with more building!

“The Gym” — A Social Space With Utility Baked In

As we initially mentioned, Rogue Island will be built in different phases in order to ensure quality control is met for each section or phase. The metaverse studio in Ukraine had some well deserved time to adapt a bit to the current geo-political circumstances and were able to share some progress on our one of our social space installments of Rogue Island, “The Gym”. We might need to come up with a better name, perhaps with a community vote. Some possible pitches would be “The Iron Temple” or “The Church Of Iron”.

Here is where things get interesting. We have previously mentioned that you will be able to actually use the metaverse to get more value out of your Rogue Shark NFTs (Keyword Utility). Outside of the Sea Pods, “The Gym” will be one of the first of many areas of Rogue Island, which will provide mass utility to all Rogue Shark holders. We will not spill the secrets just yet but we have been cooking up some very unique and cool ideas for our sharks.

Early build (Left) and updated version (Right)
Exploring more equipment
High-res renders of the current WIP of the gym

South Beach

A common area where all holders can hangout, voice-chat, advertise on billboards, host events and participate in activities, as well as games. After we get the gym sorted, we will focus more on building the island section of Rogue Island.

Early concept of the Rogue Island
Early environment with scaling testing



Rogue Sharks

The Rogue Sharks Coalition is the most exclusive collection of sharks swimming on the Solana Blockchain with only 5,000 NFTs in existence.